International Leadership Week 2024

(Collaborate For Success #ILW24)

Hello Leaders, Readers, and Podcast Listeners!

Next week, it’s International Leadership Week 2024 #ILW24, a.k.a. my second favourite week of the year (following close on the heels of the joint winners of that coveted title: Christmas Week, and May-the-Fourth-Be-With-You week).

In this edition of Leader Not A Boss, I’ll give you a quick rundown of what I’ll be doing to celebrate ILW this year, and a bunch of links to events and resources where you can go and learn more or join me in celebrating.

International Leadership Week is all about community, and uniting leaders across the world, people who are passionate about leadership and raising the standard in workplaces and organisations everywhere.

People like me and, I hope, people like you!

It's run by the Institute of Leadership, and every year they pick a different theme for the week, this year it's all about collaborating for success.

If the goal of leadership is enabling effective teams working towards a common goal, then the core of that is collaboration.

Next week on Leading with integrity: Leadership talk, for ILW’24 there will be daily new episodes (that’s 5 in a week, it’s literally like Christmas!) and we’ll be chatting to some briliant guests about key topics that are central to collaborative success. Things like Clarity, Communication, Trust, Psychological Safety, Understanding Roles & Responsibilities, Inclusive Behaviours, and what Leaders can do to ensure your people are seen, heard, and valued.

All of these things speak very much to the heart of modern leadership and what leading with integrity is all about, in fact Collaborate is one of the 5 pillars of my leading with integrity approach, so I couldn't be more excited to get into this vital topic!

the base leadership lesson is you can't do it on your own. I mean with anything, with any working team like we had over there but I mean translating even to creating a project like this book. I wouldn't have been able to do that without them.

William Yeske, Entrepreneur, Company Founder, Combat Veteran, and Author of Damn The Valley: 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 2-508 PIR, 82nd Airborne in the Arghandab River Valley Afghanistan

We're going to touch on many of these ideas and more, and we'll be hearing from leaders and experts across the spectrum of life, career, industry and background.

Here’s a quick list of the episodes to watch out for:

And to add an extra sense of occasion to it all, all 5 of these episodes will be Live Premiering on YouTube at midday (UK time) each day next week. To make sure you don’t miss any, here’s some more links:

Register for this LinkedIn event for Ep.104 and Follow The Podcast to get notified about the following 4 episodes. Subscribe and follow on YouTube, and/or join Integrity Leaders (more on that at the bottom of the page!).

That’s everything I’ll be running myself next week, in between all that, here’s what else I’ll be doing:

  1. On Monday morning, I’m going to the hybrid kick off event being run by the Institute of Leadership - you can check out their ILW24 events at this page.

  2. At 0930 on Tuesday, I plan to attend an International Leadership Week Collaboration Event hosted by fellow Fellow of the Institute, Nicola Rylett-Jones - here’s the link for that.

  3. On Wednesday afternoon, I’ll be listening in to Episode 7 of Clayton Drotsky’s excellent Challenge the Leadership Narrative, here’s more info. for that one too!

  4. Finishing the week with the IoL’s virtual conference session on Friday afternoon (use the same link as 1. above if you want to join).

It’s going to be a week filled with learning, great conversations, and reflections on an essential aspect of any effective leadership approach. I can’t wait.

Thanks for reading, I’ll talk to you next week and hope to see you live at one of the episode premieres or other events.

In the meantime, Happy Friday, have an amazing weekend, and:

Be a Leader, Not a Boss!


In case you don’t know me that well, I’m David Hatch and I’m here to help new managers and first time founders with their leadership skills, supporting them to become leaders not bosses and to lead with integrity, so they can build happier, more effective teams, better performing companies and, ultimately, more successful businesses.

Leadership can be a lonely journey, especially for first-timers. Break the isolation with my online leadership community, Integrity Leaders. Join for free for 60 days - all I ask in return is your engagement and honest feedback! At the end of those 2 months, there’s a no-fee membership option or you can choose to become a paid member.

Take the leap today and join the Integrity Leaders community membership.

Or follow me on LinkedIn if you’d like more insights around similar topics and get involved in my polls and discussions.
